2 Grand Parade
Henry J Lyons
Project Manager
Virtus Project Management
Quantity Surveyor
Virtus Cost Management
Civil Structural Engineers
Project Size
Approx 16,000 sq.m
Project Status
Detailed Design
Project Description
The redevelopment of 2 Grand Parade for Hines, will consist of approx. 16,000m2 (GIA) of Grade A commercial office space which includes the renovation of the existing listed building, originally known as the O’Carrolls Building which faces onto the Grand Canal. The existing building is being extended southwards with a further ~10,000m2 of commercial office space including 7 levels glazed and naturally ventilated atrium.
Ethos Input
The original brief for this development was to achieve LEED Gold accreditation. However, Ethos Sustainability worked with Hines to help identify how Platinum could be achieved which is now the new target for this project.
Unique / Key Features
Embodied carbon analysis which takes credit for the retained structure
23% Energy Use reduction compared to ASHRAE Baseline
40% Water Use reduction compared to LEED Baseline
A3 BER for new development
Intensive green roofs will reduce heat inland, provide habitat and reduce stormwater runoff
Secure bicycle storage with shower facilities and electric vehicle charging points are provided
Air quality strategies adopted will provide high levels of indoor environmental comfort
Advanced energy use and water use metering to provide detailed feedback to building operators
Electric Vehicle Charging
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