Designing sustainable
engineering solutions that bring buildings to life

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The creativity between us is more powerful than the creativity within us — that's Our Ethos

Ethos is Ireland's largest Mechanical Electrical consultancy and one of Europe's leading experts in Data Centre design, Sustainability, Urbanism, Global Tech, and Digital Services (Smart Buildings).

With an HQ in Dublin, a regional office in Galway, and worksites in 17 EMEA countries across Europe and Africa, Ethos with its "Engineering Wow" philosophy has an absolute commitment to treat each project as completely bespoke with no pre-ordained solution. We drive technology innovation, embracing new, improved ways of working to deliver the best results. We go beyond to the next level of delivering the most sustainable energy-efficient buildings that fully focus on the end-user experience.

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At Ethos, we have a vision of the future. Together, let's create a bold new tomorrow

About Ethos

We know how to make a real experience and our list of accolades and awards for both our staff and as a company mean we are a cut above the rest.


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